


Essential Drucker Chapter11: The new venture - The need for market focus

The new venture often successes in a market other than it was originally intended to serve. with products or services not quite those with it had set out. bought by customers it didn’t think of when it started. used for purposes besides th…

Essential Drucker Chapter11: The new venture

The new venture has an idea, a product or a service. It may even have sales, costs, revenues and profits. But what it doesn't have is a "business," a viable, operating, organized "present" in which people know where to go, what they are su…

Essential Drucker Chapter6: Management's new paradigms-The one right way to manage people

Different people have to be managed differently Employees, subordinates in an organization are becoming associates, partners. They know more about their job than anybody else in the organization whereas their superiors know nothing about t…

engVid.com - Ronnie先生の面白英語講義まとめ

最近、engVidという英語の無料講義にはまっています。内容は1本10分程度の軽いレッスンで、「勉強するぞ」という心理的な負担が少ないのが最も気に入っているポイントですが、カジュアルで気取らなく作ってあるのもよいです。 大量の講義映像 移動中にもさく…

Essential Drucker Chapter8: Management by Objectives and Self-control

Drucker’s Basic IdeaAny business enterprises or public service organizations are organs of a society. Business enterprises exsist to attain specific needs of a society. To achieve their purpose, any organization must establish the specific…